Uh yeah . . mine either. I'm holding this for a friend.
Today's pin-test comes from the info found here via this pin.
I decided to begin with my toughest cookie sheet.
Plopped on a spoonful of the miracle cleaner and got to scrubbing (I used an UnPaper towel because I don't have anything else to scrub with).
Cleaning the edges of the pan turned out to be the easiest part for me and not the center as the source of this pin said it was for her. I was really unimpressed with my results.
I tried dusting the sheet with some baking soda and then spritzing it with some vinegar.
Back to scrubbing ending with more unimpressive results.
Maybe this was just too tough a job to do without a serious scouring pad? I pulled out another somewhat yucky looking cookie sheet thinking maybe I'd have better results with one that would require a less intense cleaning.
Although not perfect, the results this time were much more noticable.
Alright one last try.
Knowing that what I really needed was a scouring pad for the past ones I used a spoon to scrape at the toughest looking spots that would need cleaning. It looked to me like I scraped off a coating that was supposed to be there - and it's not safe to cook with things that may be leaving metal shavings in your food. So this pan bit the dust.
I also tried it on some of my problem pans to see how well it may or may not work.
I felt it only really helped one pan.

Next time you need something tough to scrub with, try foil!